Sunday, February 6, 2011

Art Explorer #2-Instant Sculpture with Found Objects


"Art word of the week"- Pattern: "Pattern surrounds us. Pattern refers to the treatment given to a surface, suggest flow, rhythm, motion or movement, suggests regulatiry and reception and can be made with forms, shapes, lines, colors, textures, or symbols that move across a surface in a recurring sequence" (Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J.E. (2009). Art and creative development for young children (6th Ed.). Belmont,CA: Delmar, p. 367).
When I started to build this domino tower, the domino pieces kept on falling down after stacking a few of them on top of each other. After a few trial and errors, my tower finally started to come together. During the entire process, I felt extremely nervous and anxious. I also made sure that I stacked each domino piece very carefully on top of the other pieces to make sure my tower would not tumble down.

I decided to build a domino tower because domino is a game that I enjoy to play during my free time. Aside from feeling very nervous while building this tower, I also had a lot of fun and excitement. When the domino tower fell down the first time, I found some excitement in this because this gave me a little bit of an "energy rush". This rush of energy kept me going and motivated me to keep trying to build my structure until it was completed to what I was expecting.

Building this domino tower related to some of my childhood memories because when I was a little girl, around the ages of 4-8, I accompanied my dad to his domino competitions and watched him play all of his games. This art explorer brought back a lot of memories about what I felt like to accompany my dad at his domino competitions and it also helped me to remember how he felt during these competitions, especially when he won his games.

Building structures with found objects related to the field of early childhood education because children participate in activities similar to this blog very often. Children are always using objects such as lego, wooden boxes and cardboard boxes to build structures and sculptures.

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