Friday, April 15, 2011

Art Explorer #4: Looking for Patterns in Urban Settings and Nature

                                                  Christopher Columbus's Lighthouse                                             
                                   Map of Dominican Republic where the Lighthouse is Located

Art word of the week: Line: “visible mark made by an artistic tool”  (Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J.E. (2009). Art and creative development for young children (6th Ed.). Belmont,CA: Delmar, p.366).
      This picture of Christopher Columbus’s Light House was taken in the year 2008 on my vacation to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. On the second day of my trip, my family and I took a trip out to the capital city of Dominican Republic to learn more about the country’s history. On the tour, we drove by this building and I took a quick snap of it. The building is very symmetrical and it is defined very much by lines. The pattern that I see in this picture consists of a rectangle and a thin line. If you look closely at the top of the picture you will notice a rectangle and after the rectangle, moving downwards, there is a thin line followed by another rectangle. Not only does this building consist of a very interesting patter, it was also made up of shape such as rectangles and squares.
      I chose to do my art explorer on this picture because it brings back great memories for my about this trip. This was the last vacation that my family and I went on all together, the five of us. After this trip, my father open a business and now our family has to split up when going on vacations because someone always need to be at the store. This vacation consisted of many memories and excitement and it will remain to be a vacation I will never forget!
       As a child, I enjoyed drawing butterflies and colouring them using patterns. Butterflies are my favourite insects and I really enjoy colouring, but I was also interested in how many different patterns I could come up with and create.
       This blog/art explorer relates to the field of early childhood education because children are taught by educators how to spot patterns and how to create them. For example, in one of my field placements, the preschool that I was placed in focused a lot on patterns and colours. The ECE would sometimes play a game with the children where they had to spot a pattern in the classroom and then explain the pattern to their classmates.
 For more information about Dominican Republic and Christopher Columbus's Lighthouse..please vistit

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