Friday, April 15, 2011

Arts Explorer #10: Community Arts Project

Art word of the week: “Mass or Volume”- “Mass and volume are appropriate criteria for critiquing three-dimensional art, which has height, length and width” (Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J.E. (2009). Art and creative development for young children (6th Ed.). Belmont,CA: Delmar, p.142).

This was our "take away" item for our class mates. These are all cards we made, one for each student, in order to remind them to "Use you ECE voice and make an educated choice"

For our community arts project, Samantha, Diana, Michelle and I decided to focus on educating Early Childhood Educators on the party platforms for the upcoming election and go out and vote. By getting more Early Childhood Educators to go out and vote we are letting the government know that we do care what happens and will hold them responsible for promises made. We are hoping that this will result in more importance being placed on issues related to educators, families, and children. In addition to getting Early Childhood Educators to vote, we also want to promote voting among students because the student vote is an untargeted but very important demographic.
Our inspiration for this community art project was from Rick Mercer’s report from his show The Rick Mercer Report on March 29th, 2011. The Rick Mercer Report airs on Tuesday nights at 8:00 p.m. on CBC.
We chose to send our message across and communicate using Rick Mercer’s video and a facebook page we created.
After we presented our big idea to our creative arts class on the morning of Tuesday April 12th, I personally thought our presentation went well. The class and our teacher enjoyed our video that we showed and we had a great time presenting our idea. At the end of our presentation, we asked if anyone had any questions or comments, but no one did. One thing that we could’ve done differently was to incorporate a poster or Bristol board that we created as a group to emphasize our idea even more. This would’ve been a good idea because we could’ve actually displayed it in the ECE student lounge so other students can realize how important it is to vote.
Our big idea relates to the field of early childhood education because child care and issues related to Early Childhood Education are not always the focus of candidates in elections. The education and care of children today will have a direct impact on the prosperity of our economy in the future. Investing in this issues now will pay-off in the future by ensuring that Canada has an educated work force that remains a global competitor.

Here is the web link to vote online...use your ECE voice and make the right choice..please vote!
Elections Canada

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