Friday, April 15, 2011

Arts Explorer #9: GUERILLA ART

Art word of the week: “Space”- “the total area defined by the size of the artist’s paper or canvas” (Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J.E. (2009). Art and creative development for young children (6th Ed.). Belmont,CA: Delmar, p.143).

            For my guerrilla art, I decided to make posters and use post-it notes to send out the message of voting and how important voting is. I wrote things such as “exercise your right and vote”,“ make changes and vote” and “May 2nd voting day”. I chose to express the importance of voting because of the upcoming election and because this was the topic my group and I chose to do our community arts project on. As you can see from the pictures above, I posted these posters and post-it notes on a mailbox and on a bench. I was only able to capture a picture of one person walking by the bench and looking at the notes on the bench. I had a lot of fun and excitement doing this art explorer because I had the opportunity to create interesting messages and posters and then post them on things in my community. I was also interested in people’s reaction but unfortunately, I was only able to capture one person looking at my guerrilla art, but I wish I could’ve captured her facial expression and more people looking at it.
            This relates to the field of early childhood education because as educators, we need to realize the importance of voting. If early childhood educators want to see changes in the field they need to get their voices out and vote. Also, parents need to vote in order to get better support from the government regarding education and child care.
Lastly, If you want your voice to be heard.......VOTE ON MAY 2ND, is the link to vote online at Elections Canada

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